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PonoHealth Providers

A web application designed to guide uninsured and underinsured individuals in Hawaii to various healthcare options. It aggregates and simplifies information about various healthcare services, providing an easy-to-navigate platform that points users to the most relevant and cost-effective healthcare solutions.

Table of Contents

The Problem

Access to affordable healthcare is a significant issue in Hawaii. Uninsured or underinsured individuals often struggle to find information about healthcare services that they can afford, leading to delayed or no care.


Approach: The web application will operate without storing personal user data, ensuring privacy and compliance with regulations. The application will feature:

Mockup Page Ideas

Landing Page: Welcomes users to the website and provides a brief mission statement. Lists the main services provided by the website. Directory Page: Lists healthcare services, allowing filtering by location, cost, services, and insurance accepted. Resource Page: Provides links to government and non-profit resources for healthcare. Also provides links to other healthcare-related websites.

User Guide

Landing Page: This page is for the general information of Pono Health Providers.

Directory Page: Our directory page features a filter in which a user can utilize to find proper heatlh care facilities based off of the user’s preferences. User is required to pick one category at a time. If logged in, users can favorite item to be later viewed on their personal profile.

Resource Page: Users needing more resources can find provided links to government and non-profit websites for healthcare or any other healthcare-related websites.

FAQ Page: Users needing more information can utilize the faq page for frequently asked questions.
Sign-In Page: This page allows users with existing accounts to log in to view their profiles.

Sign-Up Page: Users without an account can sign up here leading to create profile page after submission.

Create User Profile Page: After filling out the required fields, users now have access to their personal profile.

Profile Page: This page allows users to view their profile while leaving the option to make changes.

Edit User Profile Page: This page allows users to make changes to their profile information while also uploading a profile picture.

Sign-Out Page: Users needing more resources can find provided links to government and non-profit websites for healthcare or any other healthcare-related websites.



This application requires the following technologies to be installed:

Developer Guide

First, install Meteor. Second, visit the Team Jackfruit application github page, and click the “Use this template” button to create your own repository initialized with a copy of this application. Alternatively, you can download the sources as a zip file or make a fork of the repo. However you do it, download a copy of the repo to your local computer.

Third, cd into the Opportunity-Finder/app directory and install libraries with: meteor npm install --save firebase

Fourth, run the system with: $ meteor npm run start

If all goes well, the application will appear at http://localhost:3000.

If you run into issues, try: $ meteor npm run reset

Using the IDE of your choice, the web application can be modified through components in the app folder:

Development History

Milestone 1: Project Board

Milestone 1 Project Board

Home Page / Landing

Introduction to webpage and services provided.


Information on various healthcare options with links to sites.


Page for commonly asked questions.


Provides user interactive filter to find providers.

Data Sample

Snippet of data incorportated into Filter scrapped from

const healthcareFacilities = [
    category: 'Adult Day Health Centers',
    facilities: [
        number: 1,
        facility: 'Ann Pearl Nursing Facility',
        providerBased: 'X',
        freeStanding: '',
        location: 'Oahu',
        address: '45-181 Waikalua Road, Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744',
        phone: '(808) 247-8558',
        fax: '(808) 247-4115',
        administrator: 'Robin Fortin',
        number: 2,
        facility: 'Arcadia Adult Day Care & Day Health Center at Central Union Church',
        providerBased: '',
        freeStanding: 'X',
        location: 'Oahu',
        address: '1660 South Beretania Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96826',
        phone: '(808) 440-3020',
        fax: '(808) 440-3084',
        chiefOperatingOfficer: 'Stacey Young',
      }, .....

Milestone 2:


Milestone 3:




Community Feedback:

At deployment, the web-application was tested by 10 students from within the UH System.

Based on the community feedback, the PonoHealthProviders provide great usability, with users appreciating clear, easy-to-navigate interface and well-organized layout. An aspect users like is in the functionalities. Particularly in helping users find healthcare providers across different islands and through well-thought-out service categories. The filtering system is noted for its effectiveness, and the “Know Health Insurance Basics” section is a valuable addition. However, users suggested some areas for improvement, including the use of more colors and contrast in icons, adding pictures for visual engagement, and providing more background information through an ‘About’ page. There were also suggestions to improve the website’s functionality, such as fixing the issue with .heic picture uploads and addressing glitches in the selection process. Despite these minor issues, the overall feedback is positive, with users finding the web application well-developed, informative, and easy to navigate, setting a good baseline for healthcare apps and websites.


Team Jackfruit Contract

PonoHealth Providers is designed, implemented and maintained by